Gentle and effective chiropractic care for all phases of life.

We help people struggling with their health gain a sense of agency and empowerment in their bodies through gentle and specific adjustments, so they can live life to its fullest.

What is Chiropactic?

  • A system of returning alignment and motion to the spine
  • A way to influence and regulate the nervous system
  • Joint alignment takes tension off soft tissue (muscles, ligaments, tendons)
  • Relieves torsion on the spinal cord
  • Cultivates mind body connection
Whether you're looking to get out of pain, for guidance with a specific health issues, or for support with staying healthy and connected to your body, we're here for you!

We believe that healing comes from the inside out, we remove interference in the spine and nervous system so your body can do the healing.

Chiropractic care outperformed all other back and neck pain treatments including prescription medication, deep tissue massage, pilates, and yoga, in a recent consumer reports study!

People under regular chiropractic care often report:

  • Increased mobility and motion
  • Decrease in chronic pain
  • Greater postural awareness
  • Improved athletic performance
  • Faster recovery
  • Greater ability to manage stress
  • Decrease in headaches and migraines
  • Improved digestion
  • Improved gait
  • Improved mood and decreased anxiety
  • Better sleep
Chiropractic is an incredible tool for caring for your body so that you avoid health issues in the first place.

Regular chiropractic adjustments can help you maintain the health of your spine and nervous system which can avoid a range of different problems, including back pain, headaches, and digestive issues.

Common things we work with

Back Pain and Neck Pain
Low back pain and neck pain are two of the most common reasons people start seeing a chiropractor. We align your spine using gentle techniques to free up restrictions and take pressure off the nervous system.
Headaches, Migraines, TMJ
Gentle adjustments to the neck, cranial release, and TMJ adjustments can often get to the root cause of these problems and provide relief. Never miss out because of a headache again !
Pregnancy and Birth
Healthy mama, healthy baby! The body goes through lots of changes during pregnancy and chiropractic adjustments can help with a healthy pregnancy, labor, and postpartum experience. Helping you be the best parent you can be!
Kids and Babies
We work with kids of all ages, no one is too young to benefit from chiropractic care. From birth trauma, to being an active kid, to having support for their growing bodies, there are so many reasons to get your little ones checked by a chiropractor.
Extremity Adjusting
We work with so much more than just the spine! Hips, knees, ankles, feet; the body needs a healthy foundation to stand on. Shoulders, elbows, wrists, hands; we work with all kinds of injuries ranging from sports injuries to too much time at the keyboard.
You’ve worked too hard not to enjoy retirement. Helping you maintain mobility as you age and keep you engaged in the things you love. Our adjustments are gentle and can be adapted for people of all ages.